Global warming is here to stay for good...but what does that hold in store for Singaporeans? Here are the startling facts that will make you think twice before dismissing global warming as another country’s problem.
Forget nuclear weapons - global warming in itself has been called a weapon of mass destruction. The worst part is, as long as the human species remains in existence, so will this pre-eminent issue. While greenhouse gases are needed to produce the greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life, the human use of fossil fuels has led to an excess of greenhouse gases.
By driving cars and using electricity from coal-fired power plants, you are playing a part in releasing carbon dioxide (CO2), among other heat-trapping gases, into the atmosphere. Deforestation is another significant factor in global warming. Fewer trees mean less CO2 is converted into life-giving Oxygen.
Since the start of the industrial age way back in the 18th century, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has risen by 31 percent. Methane, another greenhouse gas, has also increased by 151 percent. This is mostly due to agricultural activities such as the raising of cattle and growing of rice.
Flash floods, hurricanes and typhoons that claim thousands of lives are not uncommon these days. Are they a coincidence or a consequence? Scientists think that it’s the latter. In fact, these researchers are also confident that many other current problems like the loss of wetlands and increases in allergy-inducing pollen can be directly attributed to global warming.
Global warming is getting worse, but is the message finally getting through to Singaporeans? Miss Aileen Tay, 34, doubts so. “Singaporeans are no strangers to the concept of global warming. However, I feel that they are in a state of mind where they think global warming cannot harm them. Perhaps this is because they do not see how it can and will directly affect them.”
The truth is, no man can escape the consequences of Global warming, much less an entire country. Ignorance is certainly not bliss when you are at the mercy of Mother Nature’s wrath.
Global warming causes crop failures, more so in the tropics, where temperatures are already bordering on the edge of what is tolerable for many variations of food crops. These failures could lead to a shortage of crops if global warming continues.
Considering that rice is a main component of the Asian diet, problems will be inevitable when demand overtakes supply.
For the average Singaporean, these problems would translate into price hikes of this essential staple food that no supermarket will be able to fully absorb. So enjoy your bowl of fried rice while you can, before it becomes a luxury dish.
The climate is changing faster than anytime in the past 10,000 years. Such rapid change will create an unpredictable domino effect. With this kind of instability, no one has a clue what our climate will be like in a couple of decades down the road. In fact, you could very well be standing in a future desert. One thing is certain, though - you will definitely feel the difference.
To illustrate the severity of global warming, the lowest recorded temperature in Singapore is 19.4 degrees, way back in 1934. Think our current humid weather is unbearable? Well, expect temperatures to soar even more over the next few years. This of course means a greater need to use the air-conditioner for extended periods, which translates into a hefty electrical bill.
Every year, 16 million new cars hit the road across the globe. That is really scary when you consider that automobiles are one of the major sources of global carbon emissions. The only way this number can be reduced is by making cars even harder to own.
Should the Global warming situation reach dire straits of no return, expect drastic ‘last resort’ measurements to be implemented, such as a cutback in the number of COEs (Certificate of Entitlement) for vehicles. If you do your math…that means dishing out more for your swanky new ride. Remember, you given fair warning.
Global warming can be likened to a poison that is spreading to the Earth’s core. What is alarming is that this is only the beginning of the end. Our later generations will be the ones who inherit this Earth that we have abused and diseased.
Experts predict that by 2050, the only place where people will be able to see a polar bear is in the zoo, because the effects of global warming would have depleted its natural habitat. Various wildlife species are set to vanish from the surface of the Earth, never to be seen again. Such is the grim future of this previously untainted planet. Do your part to reverse this worrying trend today…before the joke’s on you.
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