Monday, February 8, 2010

PBL Part 3 and Beyond

With this Internet Journalism module drawing to a close, how I feel about this entire process could perhaps be best summed up in a song. As Jason Reeves sang in "The End", "Every ending's a new beginning...sometimes nowhere leads to somewhere." I can safely state that none of my classmates and myself actually had a clue where we were headed when we embarked on this learning process.

Now, with a working news portal AND a news blog up and running, I daresay we've all made it somewhere. Even years on, I foresee us all chuckling whenever we chance past a FILA boutique. That joke will never get old. Another thing immune to the effects of time and gravity will be news. Regardless of whether we are are in the journalism field or not, news is an ever evolving "living thing" that will still manage to surprise us daily.

I am certain that PBL has benefitted every single one of us. Being thrust into independence may have left us feeling like deers caught in headlights, but right now, we're ready (more or less) to take on the real world.

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